Principles of Psychotherapy and Counseling with an Islamic Approach

Principles of Psychotherapy and Counseling with an Islamic Approach

Groups : Psychology
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 17 March 2020
Published At : March 2016
Status : Printed

This book indicates that a counselor or a psychotherapist should regulate his behavior and conduct based on professional rules. What distinguishes this book from other books is that the present book uniquely helps a psychologist and a counselor to define and adjust all of his activities based on an Islamic-religious model. This model presents a more complete picture of man and his relation with the universe and God, and considers Tawhid as a fundamental base for scientific activities. After introducing the general theoretical principles of theology, ontology, anthropology, and epistemology, this book represents all the treatment stages with regard to the basic techniques. Observing these principles in various counseling and psychotherapy activities, evaluation, diagnosis, formulation, pathology, and practical treatment, as far as the scope of this book allows, documented by religious and scientific references, and helps the counselors and authorities to work with this book more confidently.

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