Psychology of Ethics

Psychology of Ethics

Groups : Psychology
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 17 March 2020
Published At : March 2016
Status : Printed

Psychology of ethics is a branch of psychology that examines the ethical aspects of actions and their foundations from a psychological viewpoint. For example, concepts such as jealousy, arrogance, and the others, which are discussed in ethics, are in fact psychological concepts whose scope and exact definitions shall be explored in the psychology of ethics. Furthermore, psychology can provide solutions to fix ethical virtues and to avoid immoralities. On the other hand, ethical issues require psychological assumptions that are addressed in psychology. Psychology of ethics is discussed in both the departments of psychology and the departments of philosophy; thus, the relevant discussions are more prolific and thorough. Unfortunately, despite this exclusive feature, Persian books in this field have only focused on ethical growth and ignored issues such as determinism and free will, geocentricism, virtual ethics, and ethical education from a psychological viewpoint. This gap made the authors of the present book to examine the psychology of ethics more comprehensively and to be pioneers in developing such topics in this field.

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