A Research Study on Power: Types, Resources, Consequences, and Control

A Research Study on Power: Types, Resources, Consequences, and Control

Groups : Politics
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : March 2004
Status : Printed

Power is one of the most critical and most fundamental social phenomena that, in spite of its significance and unique role in security, growth, development, and construction, can be abused, leading to some irreparable damages to society.

Power in the society is closely related to many aspects of human life, such as governance, politics, economics, growth and development, ethics, religion, and other dimensions of social life. This issue needs to be considered and researched. Power has a variety of forms and types and can appear in all individual and social, national and international, material and spiritual, economic, political, military, artistic, cultural, and legal aspects of human life and reflects its consequences in society.

Although powerful individuals can abuse their power, thinkers have suggested significant solutions to curb such power and to prevent its improper use. Religion and ethics are among the major power control strategies, on which the politicians have reached no agreement. Religion and ethics seem to have a great impact on power control since the other power control factors cannot play a significant role with no involvement of these two factors and without moral and religious support.

Islam, especially its main sources, i.e., the Quran and the Sunnah, focuses on power control and highlights the role of ethical and religious factors.

This book, within its specified scope, examines the aforementioned topics and the main concepts of power in accordance with the thoughts and foundations of Islam, verses, and narratives while considering the fact that power is one of the governmental elements and the main issue of constitutional law.

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