Legitimacy of Government in the Quran (with an Emphasis on Contemporary Shi'a Commentaries)

Legitimacy of Government in the Quran (with an Emphasis on Contemporary Shi'a Commentaries)

Groups : Politics
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : March 2017
Status : Printed

The present book is aimed at expanding the descriptive and explanatory literature on the political commentary of the Quran with a focus on thematic analysis to provide the grounds for more analytical research in this regard. This book is to analyze legitimacy- which is one of the significant issues in the field of politics and government in the Quran with an emphasis on the contemporary Shi'a commentaries and from the viewpoint of contemporary commentators in a thematic form using the Theory of Utilization proposed by Allameh Seyed Mohammad Hossein Tabatabaei. Furthermore, it also aims to detect the similarities and differences through comparing these commentaries and the commentators’. In this regard, some commentaries such as those inspired by the Quran, Al-Furqan, revealing the proximity of the Quran, concepts of the Quran, Light of the Quran, Motahari's commentary, and Tafsir Rahnama are close to Allameh's point of view in terms of utilization and believe in the divine legitimacy of the people during the Occultation age; however, they are not concerned with Allameh’s philosophical foundations. In contrast, the other commentaries, including Atib al-Bayan, Anwar Derakhshan, Tasnim, Interpretation of the Holy Qur'an, Interpretation of the Glourious Qur'an, and some other commentaries are not close to Allameh’s theory and believe in an exclusively divine legitimacy during the Occultation age.

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