An Overview of Sovereignty (Vol. II)

An Overview of Sovereignty (Vol. II)

Groups : Politics
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : March 2011
Status : Printed

Sovereignty as one of the main elements of a political community is of principal importance and closely correlated with all aspects of individuals’ lives. The sovereignty is the source of the law governing the society, which is in accordance with and derived from the society’s insights, values, religion, and ethics. Thus any religion or school, in accordance with its own worldview, would establish a specific type of sovereignty. In general, the sovereignties existing throughout history around the world can be classified into three categories: natural, contractual, and religious, which have been emerged in special forms form the schools of natural, contractual or religious laws in accordance with their teachings. Islam, which is a comprehensive religion and a religion of social life, focuses on a specific kind of sovereignty which needs to be recognized by Muslims. In this book, a more analytical, comparative, and critical view to different types of sovereignty and Islamic sovereignty is adopted and their features and privileges are explained more precisely.

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