Political Discourses in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Political Discourses in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Groups : Politics
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : March 2013
Status : Printed

In 1977, the three Islamic, nationalist, and Marxist discourses that had been abandoned by the Pahlavi repression had the opportunity to engage in the political arena of Iran and provided different perspectives on the factors accelerating the revolution. Marxist discourse never expanded in Iran as it was disregarded in 1981; thus, before the dismissal of Bani-Sadr from the presidency, the discourses in the Islamic Republic of Iran were divided into two Islamic and national discourses. After 1981 and the abandonment of the national discourse, a new wing known as the left and the right was formed within the political discourse of Islam. By analyzing this process as a method for future studies, this book addresses the following question: How did the political discourse process look like during 1977-2009? To answer the sub-questions of the process analysis model, the ideas behind the three nationalist, Marxist, and political Islamist (liberal, left and jurisprudence-based) discourses, the emergence of the left and right wings, and the process of political discourses in the Islamic Revolution of Iran are covered in this book.

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