Principles of Political Thought in Islam (Vol. II)

Principles of Political Thought in Islam (Vol. II)

Groups : Politics
Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 18 March 2020
Published At : March 2015
Status : Printed

Human resources certainly are the core of a free political society, whose thoughts, beliefs, tendencies, desires, needs, talents, structure, and nature fundamentally play an active role in the formation of society and the establishment of a proper government. All of these issues play a significant role in the structure of a religious government. In this regard, although humanism in its western immodest and unbridled sense is rejected, the humanity dimensions and values ​​ concerned by God and the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) naturally play their role in all aspects of social life, especially politics. Thus they need to be concerned by the administrators and authorities of the divine communities. The book, with the aim of approaching these issues from the verses and narratives, has explored the aforementioned principles and human values ​​that could have an impact on the formation of a system and political thoughts in a religious community. The audience of this book can study the most prominent and highlighted topics in this field.

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