Methodology of Human Science from the Perspective of Muslim Scholars

Methodology of Human Science from the Perspective of Muslim Scholars

Publisher : RIHU
Category : RIHU - Publications
Updated At : 13 April 2020
Published At : June 2013
Status : Printed

The weakness, downfall, and dependence of the Islamic world in the present era is investigated and criticized by many Muslim thinkers. One of the most important reasons for this intellectual and social decline, called "nation disease" by Faroghi, is the non-formation of Islamic science and knowledge, a science that can defend its theoretical and practical existence against competing theories. Considering the heritage of Islamic science and the situation of the people, it is highlighted that Islamic science is desirable and possible, whose desirability comes back to the various intellectual, cultural, social, and political areas of the Islamic world. Its formation is also possible by identifying epistemic hierarchies, dividing the knowledge task, and ultimately forming a "methodology of Islamic science". While evaluating the methodology of the human sciences used by the prominent scholars of the Islamic world in recent decades, the present book is to offer an Islamic science model.

Authors: Mohammad Taghi Iman, Ahmad Kalateh Sadati

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