Tafsir Schools (Vol. I)

Tafsir Schools (Vol. I)

Groups : Quran
Category : Quran Studies
Updated At : 29 June 2020
First Print Publication : 2002
Status : Printed

This three-volume book is to criticize Tafsir schools and Tafsir books. The contents of this three-volume series are presented in an introductary section and two other sections. The first volume of the book consists of the introduction, the first section, and the first chapter of the second section. In the Introduction, the conceptualizations of terms, Tafsirists’ categorization, and the Quranic Tafsirs are examined.
The first section entitled “Early Tafsirists” encompasses three chapters: The first chapter addresses Tafsirists knowing the whole meanings of the Quran (the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Imams (AS)) and the second and third chapters describe Tafsirists knowing the partial meanings of the Quran (al-ṣaḥābah and subordinate Tafsirists).
The second section entitled “Tafsirs and Tafsir Schools” is in 10 chapters. The first chapter is presented in this book, in which the pure narrative Tafsir School is introduced and its followers’ arguments over the verses and narratives are investigated. The school Tafsirs are also divided into two categories: "main Tafsirs" and " Tafsir communities" and explore issues such as the fundamental differences between Sunni narrative Tafsirs and Shiite narrative Tafsirs as well as their common shortcomings.
The other addressed issues are an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of Sunni narrative Tafsirs (e.g., Bukhari’s al-Tafsir, Quranic Tafsir by ibn-Abi Hatam al-Razi, Al-Durr Al-Manthur by al-Suyūṭī) as well as Shiite narrative Tafsirs (e.g., Tafsir Ayyashi, Tafsir Furat Kufi, Al-Burhan fi Tafsir al-Quran, and Tafsir Noor al-Thaqalayn.)

Author: Ali Akbar Babaei
Publication Year: 2002

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