An Analysis and Study of Kalam Foundations in the Quran Tafsir based on Shaykh Tusi's Works

An Analysis and Study of Kalam Foundations in the Quran Tafsir based on Shaykh Tusi's Works

Groups : Quran
Publisher : پژوهشگاه حوزه و دانشگاه
Category : Quran Studies
Updated At : 29 June 2020
First Print Publication : 2016
Status : Printed


In addition to the Arabic literature, the Quran Tafsir is based on the belief issues and Kalam foundations as none of its verses can be interpreted when Kalam foundations are not involved. Kalam foundations have influential the Quran Tafsir to the extent that each sect and Kalam thought provides a distinct and unique Tafsir for the Holy Quran. With regard to my Hawza and university education and my field of studies, I have long been to compile the Kalam foundations of Shi'i (Imami) Tafsir. To this end, I found At-Tibyan Fi Tafsir al-Quran and, of course, the other precious works of Shaykh Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Hassan Tusi as the most suitable resources. After more than two years of research on Shaykh Tusi’s works, especially At-Tibyan Fi Tafsir al-Quran, I found 23 Kalam foundations in his works, affecting the Tafsir of the Quran. What you find in this work is a representation of Kalam foundations in Shaykh Tusi’s works, as the best sample of Shi'i Tafsir, the extent of their influence one the Tafsir of the verses of the Holy Quran is also described. This research is also an interdisciplinary study that reveals the bilateral relationship between Quran and Quranic Tafsir. This book also well describes the scientific status of Shaykh Tusi, especially in the fields of Tafsir and Kalam and highlights the high status of At-Tibyan Fi Tafsir al-Quran.

Author: Mohammad Soltani

Publication Year: 2016

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